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Five Reasons to Join ECMA & The State Medical Society

1.  Access to advice from the experts at the Eastern Connecticut Medical Association and the State Medical Society who have extensive experience in legal and regulatory issues.


Who can you trust to have your back if a co-worker or patient files a complaint with the state health department?  Even if you are employed, are you certain your employer would have your best interests at heart?


What if you have an employment issue?  Who would you turn to for advice?


2.  Have a voice at the State Legislature and with government and insurance regulators about issues affecting your practice, your lifestyle and your patients.


Past legislative success for members of ECMA and CSMS include:


Successfully lobbied to prevent a $1,000 penalty for each failure to check the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP), regardless of intent or situation.  This success could mean significant savings for physicians.


Effectively prevented a new Connecticut continuing medical education (CME) mandate.


Instrumental in passing legislation aimed at making Medicaid audits more transparent, fair, and equitable.


Successfully prevented legislation that would allow Naturopaths to prescribe controlled substances.


Successfully prevented mandated Lyme Disease blood testing for patients with undiagnosed pain.


3.  You may be able to become a member at little or no cost to you.


Those working for Yale Medical Group can get membership in ECMA and CSMS just by asking.


There is a discounted membership for those working for Hartford Healthcare and some departments will pay the full amount for the membership.


There are several other group practices that will either pay for your membership or have a discounted rate for members of their group.


4.  You would have access to discounts on several beneficial products and services from vetted vendors and partners of CSMS.


Members can receive discounts on refinancing student loans, insurance, banking, financial planning, electronic prescribing, travel and lifestyle.



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Support an organization that is your representative in the medical community.  The members of our Board of Directors can communicate effectively on your behalf with other county and state medical associations, hospital administrators, government agencies and legislators.  While we can’t solve all the problems, we can amplify your voice and help you present your views in an effective way, saving you time and aggravation.  


Network with other physicians.  Effective networking is the key to building a thriving practice.  Interact with your peers and consultants in a more social environment, such as seminars, happy hours or our annual meeting.


Members must join both the Eastern Connecticut Medical Association and the State Medical Society.  Membership is processed through the CSMS.



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