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A letter to our patients

Welcome to the website of the Eastern Connecticut Medical Association.  We are an organization made up of many of the physicians of Eastern Connecticut in the Counties of Middlesex and New London.  Our goal is to improve the health of our region by educating the public about medical issues and by attempting to influence medical policies so that those living in our area can get the right healthcare from the right person at the right time without suffering a financial burden.


We are concerned by the subtle ways that insurance companies and health care organizations try to influence patients to see only certain doctors.  We believe each person should have the right to choose the doctor that best fits their needs.  


We also believe that everyone should be educated about their healthcare so that they will know the important questions to ask their doctors.  There are several free educational events offered to the public sponsored by us, Backus, Middlesex and Hospitals.  The internet is filled with educational information, both useful and misleading.  By clicking here, you will find links to some sites with reliable medical information.


We believe that every citizen of Connecticut should be able to receive timely healthcare without having to pay exorbitant prices.  However, due to several factors, particularly the medical malpractice environment in Connecticut, doctors are leaving the state or retiring in large numbers.  If you would like to influence Connecticut medical policies click here to find contact information for your state legislators.

We will happily consider any suggestions you have about this website or our organization.  You may leave a message by clicking here.  We will not be able to answer any medical questions, but you may review contact information of our member physicians by clicking here.

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